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There's just one thing you need to know about me: I'm a really really Strange Guy. And I'm Crazy, too. And when I grow up I wanna be a quokka. Ok, these are three things... mmmhhh...


I'm also fed up with Schemes, I'm fed up with Perfection, I'm fed up with Normality, I'm fed up with being fed up, too. And since I'm crazy I'm free to write

whatever I want.

In strange colours.

And strange fonts :p

Even crazy things. Funny, isn't it? :P

About Me

And so I started writing random poems to say whatever I need to say.

And since I spend half of my free time thinking of sad and depressive things and the other half drawing rainbows, half of my poems are quite sad and pessimist while the other half are happy, childlike and... mmmh... crazy... yeah, they're quite crazy too:) Or maybe Normality is Crazy, and my poems are just Free, who can say? :p

Anyway, I hope You enjoy my poems... And maybe You'll be inspired by what I'm writing and you'll start writing your own Random Poems, too... Because everyone can write poems :) Because Poetry's Freedom,

what else? :p


When I say "you" in my poems I'm usually not referring to real people but to different parts of my mind. Any resemblance to real events and/or to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Yes, I talk to myself. I'm strange. Judge me :p


I suggest that you read my "Death Poems" and then my "Life Poems", but feel free to read them in the order you want... And that's all, I think!


Oh, one last thing about me: I lav misprints... And errors and strange things and everything that's not How It Should Be... And sometimes I make missprints and erors on purpose because failures can learn much more than successes and because I want to be free to write down whatever I need to write down without caring about morfological misprints or sintactic errors or other boring things and, mostly importantly, because no errors mean no funniiiinessss :) Perfection's nice but also quite boring, isn't it? :p

So if you haven't smiled yet today, do samthing stupid rait now and you will! :p

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